Thursday, September 01, 2005

What in the world...

I can't believe it. This is the most incredible thing I've ever seen. I feel sick looking at the photos and the news. We are working on getting a team together to take some stuff down there. No one has heard much at all from Gulfport. Looking at Batch's blog I see that he might need a new house down there. I can't imagine what you do to start over like that. Where do you go?

I would invite anyone to come up to louisville. We have an extra room. We also have a church with lots of folks with extra rooms and even a cabin on the lake that isn't being used.

I would love to see folks come up here and just start to do something in Louisville. We have plenty of warehouse space, near the coal mine, and great quality of life.
If we could get 30 or 40 new folks to move up here it would really impact our town.
We need some good new blood here. We had lots of folks coming by the office today checking for some news online. I hated to see that people had no idea if their brothers and sisters were still alive.

C. and I went to Jackson today and went to the doctor for a visit. I have never seen lines like that for gasoline. People waiting 4 hours to get gas. They have now limited the gas consumption to 10 bucks in clinton, and 40 bucks in Jackson.

I won't even talk about the damage here in louisville, it's a joke compared to the rest of these places.

1 comment:

Kate's Dad said...

automated keyword sniffing punks.