Wednesday, September 14, 2005

I'm thinking of a five letter word


Yep, you guessed it. I have gotten some, but not enough. I've put a couple of self imposed deadlines on myself for some projects that I've been meaning to get done. It's much easier to blog than to put together a huge proposal for a data management system. It's more fun to hold Kate than to write code. But I know I have to do those things so that I can do what I'm doing.

It's been great to have the flexibility to work at home and get stuff done and still be here for Cam and Kate. I'm so lucky to have a job like this. I know the phone rings off the hook sometimes and I can't keep up. But who wouldn't want to be able to be a the house and do some stuff on the computer at a time like this.
Well I need to get after it. No more deep thoughts for the day. Just need to get after it! Ya'll can pray that the next 3 days of work goes well. They could have a HUGE financial impact on our little company.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How about a link to Kate Taylor's blog on your blogsite?

(And pookerpatch and lily's, too if she has one.)
