Wednesday, October 17, 2007


I was watching a sitcom the other night, and the subject of age came up. One of the characters said "look age is just a number" the other retorted "yeah, a pretty important number!!!"
Important or not, my age is 365 days away from 30, and it does lend itself to some thinking about the past, and that my 20's are almost a thing of the past. I haven't made the million dollars that I was going to make by 30, so I guess I have a pretty busy year lined up too. ;) But I do have the sweetest child, and a great wife and lots to be thankful for. I was out of town (actually still am) last night and Cam sent me photo's of Kate who looked like she was dressed up like Tina Turner. That made my day. I got to have dinner with Cleatus (aka Christy) last night and that was really special. She's been a great little sis as long as I can remember. But since I'm getting so old, I guess my memory could be failing some. I also saw a few old friends while I was traveling around the countryside, and I'm amazed at how fast Starkville is changing. The downtown has really come alive, it was dead when I was there. Parking which every community complains about wasn't great, but it was closer than from the back of the wal-mart parking lot, to sporting goods on aisle 19.
I'm glad to see Starkville coming alive a little more. That's great. College kids seem so young these days, I don't remember them being that young looking in the past.
I also got to see my old Marketing Prof, Dr. Rob Moore, who gave me a pop quiz on his internet marketing class from the day. I was happy to know that I passed with flying colors. It was fun to get to share my success with him as he's encouraged me a ton over the years, and given me sound advice, and even tossed some good opportunities my way.

Enough reminiscing, even a birthday boy has to work to pay the bills!

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